* Age: 18
* Game Name: Dash_RIPC0CK
* Game Alias:Dash_RIPC0CK
xFire Username: n/a
Msn Adress:
Bandit207@Hotmail.comWhat skills you can bring to the clan(on and off the field): I am very good at fighting, IG and out of game.
* Do you currently have a working mic: yes
* Do you have teamspeak RC2 downloaded and installed, if no are u willing to install it: yes
* Will you Activly Read the forums: yes
* What Time Zone are u situated: NZ standard time
* Previous Clan Experiance: Battlelink clan, left since no battling, server or clan acitivity
Are you willing to donate to further the Clans growth: yes
* Are you willing to participate in teamwork based training exercises on regular bases: Hell yeah
How often do you spend playing a week: 30+ hours
* Why do you want to join Immortal Legion(this is what makes, or breaks your application): To fight other clans, I always play on the server and enjoy the high standard of play exhibited by the other clan members and want to be apart of that
Reflex is almost as good as me, for example