* Age:15
* Game Name: !007Mitch!
* Game Alias: Mitch
xFire Username: imdeathstalker
Msn Adress:
mitcho_04@hotmail.com What skills you can bring to the clan(on and off the field): I don't fight with others in the clan or not
* Do you currently have a working mic: yes, but I dont like to talk in game but I will.
* Do you have teamspeak RC2 downloaded and installed, if no are u willing to install it: no, but I will download soon or when i get the time
* Will you Activly Read the forums: yes, I'll do anything to get in
* What Time Zone are u situated: GMT+9:30
* Previous Clan Experiance: I have not been in a clan, but I know people in the game in in real life that will help
Are you willing to donate to further the Clans growth: yes/no/maybe/if my parents let me
* Are you willing to participate in teamwork based training exercises on regular bases: yes, like I said I will do anything to join this awesome clan!
How often do you spend playing a week: between 15 - 25 hours but it varys on different weeks
* Why do you want to join Immortal Legion(this is what makes, or breaks your application): Because I play on this sever all the time, so i get to know the people in it and they are allways helpful and good team players
I live in Australia so I can relate to others and I just want to help others like other members. I really want to get in, and also love the tag and design.