* Age: 16
* Game Name: Asguard
* Game Alias: Duckord
xFire Username: Asguarder
Msn Adress:
jack.nich@live.com.au* Do you currently have a working mic: yes
* Do you have teamspeak RC2 downloaded and installed, if no are u willing to install it: yes
* Will you Activly Read the forums: yes
* What Time Zone are u situated:
+10 based in Brisbane.
* Previous Clan Experiance: I was in a Guild on a game called everquest, and I thought it was great fun.
Are you willing to donate to further the Clans growth:
if my parents let me
* Are you willing to participate in teamwork based training exercises on regular bases: I'm More then Happy too.
How often do you spend playing a week: 4, to 12 hours a week. In my Free time basically
* Why do you want to join Immortal Legion(this is what makes, or breaks your application): I'v never really joined a proper clan. I want to join the Immortal Legion because I think every one is great, to muck around with and scrim, I realy enjoy playing with the team, Im prepared to dedicate my self, Listen and help, the clan as best as I can. HUu,RAHh, Imortal Leigon.